Artist Rick Hoyle, was born and raised in Unicoi County in the town of Erwin, Tennessee. He grew up playing, climbing, and hiking in the mountains. He developed an early love of the beauty of the mountains and nature. Rick always loved to draw, and as a youngster he used crayons trying to add lots of detail to coloring books. He began his painting career by painting portraits of family pets, and small children. His first blue ribbon was won at the local fair for a portrait he painted of a very young child. The judges almost didn’t judge his painting because it was so realistic they thought he had done it on a computer. A friend and supporter of his talent told the judges she knew his work and he did, in fact paint the portrait himself. He was then given the blue ribbon award for his work. Rick has won numerous awards with his paintings. Rick’s Paintings are very detailed, and very photo-realistic. Each is painted with the greatest of care and from the heart. Rick’s paintings are to be admired for their quality but most of all to be enjoyed for the beauty that God has put on this earth for each of us.

“Be still and know that I am God..”

Psalms 46:10